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1. Introduction
2. Parameters
2.1. Meters
2.1.1. Presets
2.1.2. Loudness type
2.1.3. Momentary window
2.1.4. RMS window
2.1.5. Output type
2.1.6. Visualization
2.1.7. Raster type
2.1.8. Live monitoring
2.1.9. Reset meters
2.1.10. Open file
2.1.11. Target range
2.1.12. Learn target range
2.1.13. Target range presets
2.2. Loudness
2.2.1. Adaptive startup
2.2.2. Adaptive edges
2.2.3. Adaptive type
2.2.4. Adaptive threshold
2.3. Visualization
2.3.1. Auto range
2.3.2. Visual range presets
2.3.3. Loudness range
2.3.4. Layout options
2.3.5. Layout source mode
2.3.6. Layout target mode
2.3.7. Layout output mode
2.3.8. Delta field type
2.3.9. Super-sampling mode
2.3.10. Bits per pixel
2.3.11. Milk Mode
2.3.12. Bucket size
2.3.13. Histogram hold
2.3.14. Delta X/Y/T
2.3.15. Delta field
2.3.16. Shader params
2.3.17. Show thresholds
2.3.18. Panel params
2.3.19. History length
2.3.20. Show statistics
2.3.21. Show axis
2.3.22. Show axis lines
2.3.23. Show param context
2.4. Theme
2.4.1. Theme presets
2.4.2. Source color
2.4.3. Normal color
2.4.4. Target color
2.4.5. Output color
2.5. Settings
2.5.1. BPM
2.5.2. Host BPM
2.5.3. Velocity sensitive knobs
2.5.4. Load preset visuals
2.5.5. Load preset ranges
2.5.6. Dark mode
2.5.7. Blocksize
2.5.8. Delay compensation
2.6. Update
2.7. About
3. Glossary
3.1. Range sliders
3.2. History
3.3. Histogram
3.4. Source
3.5. Target
3.6. Output
4. Credits
4.1. MIT License (libebur128)
4.2. MIT License (melatonin_blur)
1. Introduction
2. Parameters
2.1. Compression
2.1.1. Presets
2.1.2. Loudness type
2.1.3. Momentary window
2.1.4. RMS window
2.1.5. Output type
2.1.6. Visualization
2.1.7. Raster type
2.1.8. Sidechain
2.1.9. Dynamics type
2.1.10. Ballistics type
2.1.11. Low-Level type
2.1.12. Source range
2.1.13. Learn source range
2.1.14. Source range presets
2.1.15. Target range
2.1.16. Learn target range
2.1.17. Target range presets
2.1.18. Threshold
2.1.19. Ratio
2.1.20. Max range
2.1.21. Attack/Release
2.1.22. Linear Attack/Release
2.1.23. Look-ahead
2.1.24. Look-ahead mode
2.1.25. Knee width
2.1.26. Dry/Wet
2.1.27. Output gain
2.2. Loudness
2.2.1. Adaptive startup
2.2.2. Adaptive edges
2.2.3. Adaptive type
2.2.4. Adaptive threshold
2.3. Limiter
2.3.1. Limiter mode
2.3.2. Limiter ceiling
2.3.3. Limiter lookahead
2.4. Visualization
2.4.1. Auto range
2.4.2. Visual range presets
2.4.3. Loudness range
2.4.4. Layout options
2.4.5. Layout source mode
2.4.6. Layout target mode
2.4.7. Layout output mode
2.4.8. Delta field type
2.4.9. Super-sampling mode
2.4.10. Bits per pixel
2.4.11. Breath residual
2.4.12. Bucket size
2.4.13. Histogram hold
2.4.14. Delta X/Y/T
2.4.15. Delta field
2.4.16. Shader params
2.4.17. Show thresholds
2.4.18. Panel params
2.4.19. History length
2.4.20. Show xfer func
2.4.21. Show peak meter
2.4.22. Show axis
2.4.23. Show axis lines
2.4.24. Show param context
2.5. Theme
2.5.1. Theme presets
2.5.2. Source color
2.5.3. Normal color
2.5.4. Target color
2.5.5. Output color
2.6. Settings
2.6.1. BPM
2.6.2. Host BPM
2.6.3. Dither
2.6.4. Velocity sensitive knobs
2.6.5. Load preset visuals
2.6.6. Load preset ranges
2.6.6. Dark mode
2.6.7. Offline HD
2.6.8. Blocksize
2.6.9. Look-ahead budget
2.6.10. Delay compensation
2.7. Update
2.8. About
3. Tips & Tricks
3.1. Compression/expansion
3.2. Automatic gain control
3.3. Gain riding
4. Glossary
4.1. Range sliders
4.2. History
4.3. Histogram
4.4. Source
4.5. Target
4.6. Output
5. Credits
5.1. MIT License (libebur128)
5.2. MIT License (melatonin_blur)
1. Introduction
2. Parameters
2.1. Optimization
2.1.1. Presets
2.1.2. Loudness type
2.1.3. Momentary window
2.1.4. RMS window
2.1.5. Output type
2.1.6. Visualization
2.1.7. Raster type
2.1.8. Source range
2.1.9. Source range presets
2.1.10. Target range
2.1.11. Target range presets
2.1.12. Playback controls
2.1.13. Distribution range type
2.1.14. Distribution skew
2.1.15. Distribution type
2.1.16. Ballistics type
2.1.17. Low-Level type
2.1.18. Attack/Release
2.1.19. Linear Attack/Release
2.1.20. Look-ahead
2.1.21. Look-ahead mode
2.1.22. Dry/Wet
2.1.23. Output gain
2.2. Loudness
2.2.1. Adaptive startup
2.2.2. Adaptive edges
2.2.3. Adaptive type
2.2.4. Adaptive threshold
2.3. Limiter
2.3.1. Limiter mode
2.3.2. Limiter ceiling
2.3.3. Limiter lookahead
2.4. Visualization
2.4.1. Delta field type
2.4.2. Super-sampling mode
2.4.3. Bits per pixel
2.4.4. Breath residual
2.4.5. Loudness range
2.4.6. Visual range presets
2.4.7. Auto range
2.4.8. Bucket size
2.4.9. Histogram hold
2.4.10. Delta X/Y/T
2.4.11. Delta field
2.4.12. Shader params
2.4.13. Panel params
2.4.14. Show thresholds
2.4.15. History length
2.4.16. Layout options
2.4.17. Layout source mode
2.4.18. Layout target mode
2.4.19. Layout output mode
2.4.20. Show peak meter
2.4.21. Show axis
2.4.22. Show axis lines
2.4.23. Show param context
2.5. Theme
2.5.1. Theme presets
2.5.2. Source color
2.5.3. Normal color
2.5.4. Target color
2.5.5. Output color
2.6. Settings
2.6.1. BPM
2.6.2. Dither
2.6.3. Look-ahead budget
2.6.4. Velocity sensitive knobs
2.6.5. Load preset visuals
2.6.6. Load preset ranges
2.6.7. Dark mode
2.6.8. Offline HD
2.6.9. Blocksize
2.7. Update
2.8. About
3. Glossary
3.1. Range sliders
3.2. History
3.3. Histogram
3.4. Source
3.5. Target
3.6. Output
4. Credits
4.1. MIT License (libebur128)
4.2. MIT License (melatonin_blur)
4.3. MIT License (r8brain)
APU Software
2. Parameters
2.6. Settings
2.6.1. BPM
2.6.1. BPM
The bpm option allows you to set the BPM used by tempo-relative parameters.